Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Latest Updates

On June 5, Kyle went to his Pediatrician for his 4th testosterone shot. He was 4'11 1/2 (finally added that 1/2 inch) and weighed 99 lbs. On June 19th, Kyle had a doctors appointment with his Endocrinologist and measured in at 4'11 1/2 and 103 lbs. The doctor decided to take Kyle off the testosterone since his body was now producing the correct amount. Since Kyle's February appointment, he had only grown 1/2 inch, but had put on 13 lbs. His doctor seemed pleased with Kyle's progress and he showed me the growth curve and how Kyle was making progress towards the curve, instead of parallel with it. He was not surprised at the weight gain, due to puberty kicking in and chalked it up to muscle mass. The doctor also had a bone age x-ray done to see how old his bones are. A year ago when he had a bone age scan done, his bone age was concurrent with his real age. They would like for his bone age to be younger than his real age, which would mean his body would have additional time to grow. Since he's on the medicine to prevent the growth plates from fusing, I would assume his bone age will slow down some, buying him more growth time. We'll find all this out at his next appointment, which is not until October.

Within the last month, Kyle's voice has really gotten deeper. He's definitely turning into a man. By the time school starts in August, there will be a noticable difference in Kyle's size compared to what he was when school was out in May. He's beginning to catch up to some of his friends. He's still shorter than all of them, but at least it's not such a huge difference anymore. It won't be long now when Kyle will be as tall as me. He's getting pretty close.

On a different note, Kyle is now driving. He can see over the steering wheel now, so we felt it was time for him to take Driver's Ed. He's enjoying the whole driving experience.

Kyle driving the family home from church.

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