Saturday, April 21, 2007

The Results Are In

April 21, 2007

Per doctor: ESR, tTGA and growth hormone stimulation test are all within the normal range, however, the growth hormone was producing at a very low normal. Normal growth hormone production falls between 183-850. Kyle's barely topped 200. The tests ruled out chronic illnesses, celiac disease or a growth hormone deficiency as a cause of Kyle's poor growth development. Since Kyle's linear height is -2.53 SD (standard deviations) as compared to his genetic potential of 5'8", we highly recommend to start growth hormone treatment. In addition, he may also need Letrozole to slow down the skeletal maturation for optimal time for treatment. A growth hormone application has been turned in.

Kyle has been diagnosed with Idiopathic Short Stature (ISS). That means there's no clinical reason why he is short. But the doctors strongly feel that since he is less than 3% below the size of other boys his age, the growth hormones could benefit him.

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