Thursday, April 28, 2011

Kyle's FINAL appointment

April 28, 2011. Going into this appointment, Kyle and I knew this would be the last appointment. Since he had been off the growth hormones for 10 months, there was really no reason for him to remain under his Endocrinologist's care.

"Kyle, take off your shoes, let's get your height.." Standard procedure called for her to measure him 3 times, because it's THAT important to them. The first 2 measurements, he was 170.2 cm, then the 3rd time he grew to 170.4 cm! Right before our eyes!! That's the equivalent 0f 5'7.09". Now his weight. I don't remember the exact grams, or whatever the metric system measurement is, but it equated to 139.2 lbs. Awesome. That'll work!

The doctor showed Kyle's growth on the growth curve and according to the trajectory of his growth pattern, the doctor is fairly confident that Kyle will continue to grow for approximately 2 more years, possibly reaching a final adult height of 5'9", one inch past his target height of 5'8", which was established in 2007 using factors such as parents height, etc. He suggested he didn't really have a need to continue to see Kyle from here on out. We quickly agreed.

April 2007, 14 years old - 4'8", 76 lbs.
April 2011, 18 years old - 5'7.09", 139.2 lbs.

Needless to say, we are happy with the results of the decision we made in 2007 to begin the growth hormone treatment. Would Kyle be as tall as he is if we had chosen not to participate in the growth hormone therapy? We will never know. This is life. There are no alternate endings. And to quote Eminem... "Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity, to seize everything you ever wanted-One moment...Would you capture it or just let it slip?" We captured it. What will you do?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Senior Prom

Yes, it's finally here. Kyle's senior prom. Third time in a tuxedo. He's a little bigger yet this year, and so was his tux. Though Kyle inherited my dad's long arms and big hands, and his tux sleeves seemed a little short, but he didn't have to wear the jacket very long anyway, and he was able to look good for the pictures, which is really all that matters. Once again, normal kid, proud mom!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Baseball anyone?

When the Cal Ripken League advanced into the Babe Ruth league (around age 12), Kyle was left in the dust as far as growth and opportunity. At this time, many of his teammates had really started hitting their growth spurts. Some pitchers were beginning to approach the 6' mark. Kyle was stuck in the 4' range and was having a hard time competing at this level. Boys were turning into men, and Kyle wasn't. He decided to give up on his baseball dream.

This spring, his senior year of high school, Kyle is back on the field with his former teammates and enjoying every minute of it. He's the starting third baseman for his high school baseball team and is very happy to have the opportunity to once again, be a part of a team.

Friday, January 21, 2011

January 2011 Appointment

Due to inclement weather, the Endocrine team was not able to travel to the Outreach Clinic for today's appointments. Appointment rescheduled for April 2011.