Kyle did reach a milestone at this appointment. He is now officially back on the growth charts, baby! He started his life around the 50th percentile and reached as low as just below the 3rd percentile. Since beginning treatment, Kyle's growth has begun to head upward and according to the direction it was going, we had predicted this February appointment would show he had reached the growth curve. We were right, and though he's just now at the 5th percentile, the direction of his growth shows he will be catching some of his friends pretty quickly, as their growth has slowed down.
For now, the doctor did not increase or decrease his amount of growth hormone, and he's still taking the Letrozole, the drug that prevents the growth plates from fusing. At his next appointment in June, he will get another bone age scan and possibly be taken off the Letrozole. It has been almost two years since we were referred to a Pediatric Endocrinologist. And we are making progress!
Kyle holding a big fish!