Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Junior/Senior Prom

Since my last post, Kyle has been asked to his high school's junior/senior prom. That's coming up this weekend. I took him to get fitted for a tux. We did get a double take from the lady behind the counter when I informed her we were here for a tux fitting for prom. I'm sure she was wondering why someone would be taking their little brother to prom. But, as we do with everything else, we take the looks with a grain of salt and move forward. I asked his date if she would be wearing heels that night, and she said she would not be. In that case, she will be about 4 inches taller than him. They should make a pretty cute couple and I can't wait to see Kyle in a tuxedo!

On April 3rd, Kyle had his second testosterone injection. This time, the nurse gave it to him in the arm and he wasn't sore at all. I guess nurses are better at giving shots than doctors. Since his March appointment, Kyle had not grown any taller, but had put on 5 lbs. Yes, 5 lbs. So, is Kyle growing? Why yes, he is. I am guessing he will begin to grow upward very soon. Hopefully, he will still fit into his tux!

Kyle recently turned 15 years old. Where has the time gone? They say to make sure you enjoy your kids while they are little because they grow up so fast. I guess God is just giving me a little more time to enjoy Kyle while he is little.